From Fish, The Complete Guide to Buying and Cooking, by Mark Bittman
This is the basic recipe for a dish that allows great variation.
My friend Didier Frayssou, a wine master who can match any dish to its soul-mate wine, has a quality I adore in French men: a sophisticated palate and a love of his mom's home cooking. I don't think I'd known him five minutes before he started telling me about his mother's farçous, a type of crepe or galette that's loaded with greens, most especially Swiss chard. Didier comes from Laguiole in the Auvergne, but farçous are a staple throughout Southwest France, where all the moms have their own way of making them.
This main dish in a roasting pan is an oven-cooked version of my grandmother's chicken cacciatora, minus the messy stovetop. Use the largest shallow pan your oven can hold. If the list of ingredients looks long, don't worry. Much of it is simply tossed together and roasted - easy. Spreading out all the ingredients as much as possible is the trick to getting the deepest, lushest flavors. Everything has a better chance to brown this way. Serve with Salad of Winter Greens.