Whole fried turkey is the best illustration I know of just how delicious and greaseless fried food can be.
Use a large, shallow pan, not a turkey roaster, and nurture the bird with its own juices by basting often, and I think you'll like the results.
When you're ready to serve, toss the pear, cheese, and greens together with as much of the dressing as you like. Serve immediately.
A scattering of ruby-colored pomegranate seeds makes a memorable finish to this dish.
Rich and mellow with a backdrop of fresh lemon, this turkey owes its success to the Moroccan seasoning-cum-sauce called charmoula. You could make it ahead and freeze. Think about using Charmoula with seafood, any poultry, and with lamb.
Boiling turns apple cider into a delicious sweet-tart syrup that's great over desserts as well as sweet potatoes and sweet squash. New Englanders have used this trick for several hundred years and they know you have to start with good-tasting cider. Check out organic ciders and ones produced on farms in your area.
Besides using this sauce in casseroles and pot pies, spoon it over sliced turkey for a hot turkey sandwich.